Nutella Nut Cake

Rating: 3.3333 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A cake recipe for all foodies:

Warm Nutella in a water bath and stir until smooth. Lightly toast hazelnuts in a frying pan while stirring and set aside to cool. Whip the cream briefly. Combine sugar, cream stiffener and vanilla sugar, add to whipped cream form and whip until perfectly stiff.

Carefully fold cooled, soft Nutella and nuts (leave 1-2 tbsp. for the edge) into the whipped cream. Separate finished sponge cake layers from each other. Spread bottom layer with half of nut mixture, place second layer on top. Spread with remaining amount, top with 3rd layer, press well to smooth. Smooth the edge of the cake and spread the surface thinly with the orange marmalade passed through a sieve. Leave to cool for some time. Melt the cooking chocolate in a water bath. Cover the cake with it. Sprinkle the edge with the remaining nuts and decorate with nut kernels.

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