Vegetable Mushroom Pan with Ribbon Noodles

For the vegetable mushroom pan, chop peppers, cream mushrooms and zucchini. Chop the onion and garlic. Sauté these ingredients in a pan heated with olive oil for a few minutes, stirring constantly, season with salt and pepper, then pour soup or water, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes. In the meantime, cook ribbon noodles … Read more

Carajacas – Marinated Liver

For the dressing, grind the garlic in a hand mixer with the parsley and salt. Gradually mix in the vinegar, paprika, olive oil, oregano and thyme. Rinse and dry the liver and place in a porcelain or possibly glass bowl. Pour the dressing over it and turn it over a few times. Marinate in the … Read more

Cauliflower Casserole in Roman Pot

The recipe below is for a romaine pot, but you can also use an ovenproof dish and then seal it with double-folded aluminum foil. Rinse the cauliflower, clean, divide into roses and drain. Blanch (scald) the tomatoes with boiling water, rinse, skin and cut into slices, removing the green stalks. Soak the bread roll in … Read more

Egg White Cake

For the egg white cake, preheat the oven to 170°C. Grease a loaf pan with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Beat the egg whites until stiff. Soften cooking chocolate for the dough in a bain-marie and let it cool a bit. Cream butter with sugar. Add the chocolate. Mix flour with baking powder and fold … Read more

Duck with Red Wine Pears

For the duck with red wine pears, first peel, halve and core the pears. Bring the remaining ingredients to the boil and simmer the pears gently for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool. Score the duck breasts crosswise on the skin side and sear for about 10 minutes, skin side down. Empty the rendered fat … Read more


Make a kneaded dough from wheat meal, eggs and hot water. Leave to cool slightly. Make the filling with minced meat, tomato paste, eggs, breadcrumbs, aromatic herbs, salt and crushed garlic. Roll out the dough and cut thin sheets (the size of the casserole dish). Line a greased baking dish with a pastry sheet, spread … Read more

Kohlrabi Loaf

For the kohlrabi loaf grate the kohlrabi, salt, let stand, squeeze. Mix everything and bind with breadcrumbs. Form the loafs and fry them in oil. Serve the kohlrabi loafs with sour cream.

Yogurt Potato Soup with Poached Egg

For the yogurt potato soup, first peel the potatoes, cut them into small cubes and boil them in the soup with the caraway seeds until soft. Then whisk the créme fraiche with the yogurt and the flour and add to the soup. Continue cooking for 10-15 minutes, puree everything with a blender and season with … Read more

Zucchini Chutney

Dice the zucchini and onions, season with salt, put together in a saucepan and pull. Drain the resulting liquid and make the vegetables with sugar, vinegar and mustard 30 min. Then add the spices, mix in the flour and fill hot into screw jars. This chutney goes well with a roast as well as with … Read more

Meefischli – Little Fish From the Main River

A delicious fish recipe for any occasion! ****************************Vorbereitung******************************* Mix salt and pepper and season the scaled and gutted fish with it. Roll in the fine breadcrumbs, pat well and bake in floating vegetable fat at 180 degrees for 5-10 min until golden brown. The fish should be so crispy that the head, fins and bones … Read more