Indian Bread – Rotis

* This recipe makes 12 small chapatis or pooris or 6 parathas, enough for 3 people. Mix flour and water by hand, with a mixer or in a food processor until smooth. Add the ghee or oil and knead the dough by hand for at least 5 minutes, better 8 minutes. It will become more … Read more

Chicken Salad with Avocado Sauce

Press the garlic. Mix with honey and half of the oil to make a marinade. Cut the lemon into slices. When cooled, rinse and dry the chicken cutlets. Mix both with the marinade. Leave to marinate for thirty minutes after cooling. Heat a coated grill pan. Grill chicken cutlets and lemon wedges on both sides … Read more

Wholemeal Lasagna with Vegetables and Meat

For the wholemeal lasagna with vegetables and meat, chop the garlic, chili and onions and sauté in olive oil until translucent. Add the minced meat and sauté. Add the thawed spinach and the finely chopped vegetables and sauté. Add tomato sauce and season with salt and pepper. Make a bechamel sauce by heating butter, adding … Read more

Mozzarella Rolls Au Gratin

Preheat the oven to 190 °C. Cut the rolls in half and brush each side with a little butter. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into thin slices. Strain the mozzarella and cut into slices as well. Place alternating slices of tomato and mozzarella on the rolls. Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes … Read more

Potato and Cucumber Salad

Peel and boil the potatoes. Then rinse and cut into slices. Wash and peel the cucumber and finely slice it into a bowl with the potatoes. Add the sour cream and stir. Squeeze a clove of garlic and add it too. Add vinegar and oil and season with salt and pepper. Finally, mix the potato … Read more

High Strength Quince – Quince Liqueur

> go to a Metzgete, there is at the end of the > quince tree, I would be interested to know, > if it is even possible to make the same quince liqueur > to make. Rinse the quinces and rub them dry with a dishcloth. Quarter the fruit and remove the core. Grate the … Read more


Perhaps your new favorite bean dish: Dice meat and peeled onions. Cut peppers and peppers into strips. Heat the oil in a saucepan, fry the meat in portions on 2 or possibly automatic cooking plate 7 to 9 and remove, then fry the onions, peppers and peppers, add the meat again, extinguish with mushroom water … Read more

Almond Semolina Cake with Passion Fruit

For the almond semolina cakes with passion fruit, beat the egg yolks until foamy, while gradually adding the rice syrup, without stopping beating. Mix the ground almonds with the semolina in a bowl and fold in the egg foam with a pastry spatula. Cut the passion fruit open, scoop out the pulp and add to … Read more

Stuffed Cucumber with Rice

For the stuffed cucumber, hollow out and peel the raw cucumber. For the filling, mix the minced meat, cooked rice, salt and pepper. Fill the cucumber with it. Fry the stuffed cucumber in a frying pan with a little fat. Add soup or water and let it steam. Serve the stuffed cucumber with yogurt sauce.