Baby Recipe Pasta W. Turkey Cream or Kohlrabi Cream

Rating: 4.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For 1 infant each:

1. sauce:

2. sauce:


Pasta dishes are always a good idea!

Creamy sauces are good for providing lean kids with lots of nutrients or for making hearty kids full with few calories. The pasta portion should stay on point though!

Sauce 1: Schentz the turkey, sauté in the fat. Rinse, peel and grate the carrots. Add to the meat with the almond kernels, pour in whipping cream and a little water, season with salt and put the lid on. Cook at low temperature for 20 minutes until tender. Season with a little lemon juice.

Sauce 2: Take off tender kohlrabi leaves, remove stems and finely chop the leaves. Rinse and peel the tuber, cut into cubes and simmer in the clear soup at low temperature for about 25 min. until tender. In the last 10 minutes, add the leaves. Blend the vegetables with a hand blender, stirring in the sour cream. Pour over the pasta. Sprinkle with chopped egg white.

Cook the spaghetti in boiling salted water for 10 minutes and toss in the fat.

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