Swabian Beiried

Rating: 2.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




The roast meat must be well seasoned and necessarily marbled, because the fine fat veins make the meat juicy and tender during roasting. It must not be beaten, but the fat edge should be cut a few times, but in no case removed.

In sufficient fat, fry the Beiried on each side for 3-4 minutes, then season well with pepper and salt. Continue frying on reduced fire, turning several times, for 5 minutes. Transfer to warmed plates and cover with aluminum foil.

In the remaining fat fry finely chopped onion rings until light brown, season a little bit with salt and put on the meat.

In addition they offer sauerkraut with sparrows and/or small Maultaschen. As a drink fits a Swabian Trollinger or Schwarzriesling.


Beiried has never been a cheap affair, but well prepared it is a delight. By the way, a real Beiried can never be ‘nonderhaenge’ on both sides, as some claim, because the original piece of meat for Beiried is not thicker than about 8 centimeters, so that with a length of about 20 cm the vertically cut slices of roast can not be larger than 20×8 cm.

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